

Making decisions is an inevitable process in lives. Some people believe that, in the past, people were more dependent on their parents in making decisions and, today, young people are better able to make decisions by themselves, whereas other people have opposites opinions. As far as I am concerned, it is undoubted that young people nowadays are much capable of making decisions on their own. I am willing to discuss the reasons further in the following essay.


First of all, in the present time, young people can reach to more information for making decisions by themselves. Thanks to the technological advancement that occurs rapidly in modern society, people are allowed to post and receive related knowledge and useful information online. Besides, with the widespread internet and frequently invented devices, people are able to assess to information they need within few seconds. As a result, with a great amount of  information that can be searched in a convenient way, young people are unlikely to rely on parents' suggestions. For example, when students do not have ideas on which university to go, they can easily gather the essential information via official websites of the schools and thus make a decision without asking their parents.


In addition, parents' roles have gradually changed in recent years, young people nowadays are not dependent on them in making decisions. In the past time, parents' status were so high that children were prone to rely on them in every situation. That is to say, parents seemed to be the only way that children can receive advice. However, as the time goes by, the society becomes more open-minded and increasing people are willing to share. Young people are able to meet professionalists or make friends with those who are good at various fields. Consequently, parents play minor roles when young people are about to make decisions.


As has been demonstrated above, it is clear that comparing to the youngsters in the past, young people today are better capable of deciding matters. 




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