
Still got a bad score today...

I couldn't help but cry out as a result...t.t

I guess I just got too mush pressure from myself,

and it seemed like I lost my faith for taking the test.

I should get it back, and step by step.

I should realize that I still have two months to prepare.

I should stay calm, and never let the negative thought come back again.


It takes time.

And I do know it takes time, I, however, just may sometimes think too much,

also trying to make a progress as soon as possible.

I still have 60 days, I can make it, can't I?



I feet like my reading has been finished a little bit faster than yesterday,

so I need to keep going!

In addition to that, I found that my vocabulary is really bad,

therefore memorizing vocabulary as much as I can would be my daily work.



Fortunately, listening is a bit better than yesterday! thank god!

Please, I need to get better ><

The conversation part is really quite fine,

from now on I need to focus on the lecture.

Today I tried so hard on understanding every single word from the lecture,

I believe that I will beat it in the future!

Never lose the faith!


Well, sweet dreams to me and I hope I won't freak out tomorrow lol




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