
I officially(kidding) started taking the TPO test today...

and I got a score which is like a s**t...

Didn't the first frustration come so fast? T.T


I got 20 in reading and only 13 in my poor listening.


Suddenlly I realized that I still need more practice to speed up while reading an article.

And if I could read faster, I think I would get higher score...

since the first and second passages on which I spent most of the time were done quite well.

Therefore, to get a better score, I should try to read faster by controling my reading pace.


It turned out that I really need a  lot of practice on listening T.T

Maybe the conversation part is fine, howver, the lecture part is totlly a masssssss

Not only should I try my best to concentrate on the lecture,

but also try to guess what kinds of question will come out later. 

Tomorrow I am gonna start a whole new plan for my listening,

reviewing the questions and listening the lectures until I can entirely understand.



It was truelly a huge and effective frustration, I think.

The time I saw the result coming out on the screen,

I was really depressed even though I had already told myself that I might get a score not so high.

Seems like all of the positive energy has just dissappeared.

hooo..... I felt so tired at such an early moment of prepartion...

Starting doubting myself and getting nervous for the whole day and then 

it is better now fortunately.

I told myself that frustraton is an good oppurtunity to know what you should be focus on,

instead of being just a depressing thing, it is a direction.

A direction that lead you on the right way, a direction that you should not be afraid of following on.

So...I am gonna take the challenge!

Once I have started, I have to be focus on the road, the present. Don't I?




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