
It has been a week since I started writing in English here!

First of all, congratulate to myself that I survived from these days, really tough days.

Everyday I tell myself not to give up even though I know I won't,

maybe it is totally nothing at first, 

but I know the energy do become the hidden power in the future!

I got both 21 on R and L, well now these are my basic scores,

I need to be stable with them, practice everyday, step by step.


Just come up with an article that I read before,

the author said we should not view toefl as a very annoying test,

instead, we have to consider it as a preparation for our days studying abroad.

Actually the test makes us be more familiar with the academic English,

which is very important for the people who would like to be very professional in the area.

yes, I do want to be a professionist.

Therefore, just keep on going until someday you have no regret as all. :D


Tomorrow I am gonna meet the Korean friend of David, 

not sure if I can still talk to him fluently lol, 

but I will do my best since I still love Korean so damn much lol.

Speaking languages so well is really really diffcult t.t,

especially when you don't use it all the time t.t.

well after may 7th, I will crazily watch the Korean shows!!!


sweet dreams!

I know tomorrow is also gonna be a fulfilled dayyyy




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