
Both the author in the reading passage and the lecturer talk about communal online encyclopedias. Yet their viewpoints contrast with each other. While the author mentions several important problems of communal online encyclopedias, the lecturer thinks otherwise, contending that the author does not know how far the communal online encyclopedias have come.


First of all, the writer states that the contributors to communal online encyclopedias often lack academic credentials. However, as opposed to this conviction, the speaker argues that communal encyclopedias have not been close to perfect accuracy. It is impossible to find online encyclopedias and offline encyclopedias without any mistakes. Besides, the speaker says that there are errors in traditional printed encyclopedias remain for decades.


Secondly, while the writer thinks that the hackers will fabricate and delete the information in the encyclopedias, the speaker presents opposing discourse to such a belief, reasoning that there are strategies to deal with this problem. One way is to put the crucial information in articles in a format that nobody can change, and then the information online will be reliable. The other way is to have special editors monitoring the materials.


Thirdly, the writer points out that the communal encyclopedias create a false impression of what is important and what is not. But, presented by the speaker to diminish the authenticity is the argument that the diversity of views of communal online encyclopedias is a strong advantage because there is not limited space. By contrast, printed encyclopedias have limited space and people who make it have to make judgments.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.


Due to the technological advancement in this generation, many companies have invented computer games which are quite attractive to children. Some people believe that playing computer games is a waste of time and children should not be allowed to play them, whereas other people think that playing online games is an activity that makes people relax and release. As far as I am concerned, playing computer game can cause come problems to children and they should not play them. I am willing to discuss the reasons further in the following essay.


First of all, playing computer games is harmful to health. Health is the most important thing to every person. Once young people start playing computer games, their eye sights will decrease in a rapid speed. Because watching the computer screen can be very bad for the eyes, young people should not spend time on it. Besides, using computers can do harm to youngsters' bodies as well, especially the vertebrates. Since young people might not pay attentions on the postures of sitting in front of the computers, as the time goes by, the incorrect sitting poses will yield a lot of serious problems. As a result, for a healthy body, teenagers have better not play the computer games. 


In addition, computer games will also cause negative effects on mental health. To make the computer games more exciting, many companies will use lots of violent and bloody scenes in the computer games. However, these scenes will generate terrible impacts on children's minds. Some children might view violence as an interesting action and would like to imitate the actions in the computer games. Others may imagine selves as one of the characters in the games and always live in their imaginations. Consequently, it is dangerous for children to play computer games.


As has been demonstrated above, it is undeniable that playing computer games does nothing good to the children. Therefore, parents should take this issue seriously and do not permit their kids to play them. 



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