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Both the author in the reading passage and the lecturer in the lecture talk about the fossil from a dinosaur called Sinosauropteryx. Yet their viewpoints contrast with each other. While the author mentions three reason for objecting the fact that the fine lines surrounding the skeletal bones were feathers, the lecturer thinks otherwise, contending that the evidence are strong to conclude that the dinosaurs had feathers.

First of all, while the writer states that the fine lines may be the skin fibers of the dinosaurs instead of feathers, the speaker presents opposing discourse to such a belief, reasoning that there were no other decomposing of the skin from other animals found there, consequently, the fine lines can be viewed as an evidence of having feathers before. 

Secondly, as opposed of the conviction in the reading passage, the speaker argues that the chemical inside the frill and the feather are completely different. Inside the feather, there is one kind of protein contained, however, in the frill, that kind of protein doesn't exist. Because that protein did be found in the fossil of the dinosaur, it is possible to say they had feathers.

Thirdly, presented in the lecture to diminish the authenticity of the reading passage is the argument that the feathers are not only for flying but also for other functions such as display function. The lecturer provides an example of peacock, saying that animals need feathers to make the attraction for mating. 



It is said that the only unchangeable thing in the world is changing. As the technology is improved quickly, the inventions are done so fast, it is inevitable that some changes are made under this circumstance. Lives are more convenient and humans get the benefits and enjoy the new life style, however, at the meanwhile, they may be unhappier.

First of all, with the easy assesses to the internet and the high development of social media, people nowadays love to share their stories and experiences online to attract friends' eyes and receive their  responses. From the care of friends, people will feel confident and satisfied. For example, every person now has an account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or some other online stage which can show themselves; However, once everybody is just doing posting on these websites, begging for people's attention, eventually they will be greedier from these unrealistic world. As a result, people will definitely become less happy if they are not able to get more attention then before. 

Secondly, even if the new products are so interesting that makes loves more enjoyable, the negative effects will also come out if people do not carefully use them. For instance, so many people now are used to using their smart phones when they are driving their cars. This dangerous habit always lead to serious car accidents and make so many people heartbroken due to losing their families. Another example, some students or young adults like to play the online games via their computers or pads, which also results in so severe physical problems. Their visual abilities will decrease since they spend too much time on it or they may get backache since they do not sit will while they are playing games. These car accidents and physical harm will undoubtedly make people less satisfied.

According to the above statements, I believe that people now are not as please as they were before.



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