
Both the author in the reading passage and the lecturer in the lecture talk about the vessel which is acquired by an archaeologist in Iraq. Yet their viewpoints contrast with each other. While the author thinks that the vessels were not likely to be used as electric batteries in ancient times, the lecturer considers otherwise, contending that those vessels may be possible to be the electric batteries then.

First of all, while the writer states that there were not any conductors excavated to proof the utility of batteries, the speaker presents opposing discourse to such a belief, reasoning that since the vessels were found by the local people instead of the archaeologists, the local people might had thrown away or overlooked other materials they thought were not important at all.

Second, as opposed to the conviction in the reading passage, the speaker argues that when you put the cylinders with iron sub, they were possible to produce the electricity.

Third, presented by the speaker to diminish the authenticity in the reading passage is the argument that even though the ancient people had no devices that relied on electricity, they could use the batteries for healing and for making heat. The electricity could be considered as an invisible power then.


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